If you have an activity you want me to include on my list, please try to email me a week ahead at chrisrosenquist@aol.com.
December 2. 12:30-4 p.m. Heritage Christmas Boutique at Rancho Tapo Park in Simi Valley. Come shop at the Annual Christmas Craft Boutique. There will be handmade items prepared by the students, moms and dads. There will be a Snack Bar and Bake Sale with proceeds going to Life Impact International. Help stop Human Trafficking.
December 3. 10 a.m. Candy Cane Christmas Craft Boutique at Lighthouse Bible Church. 4910 Cochran Street, Simi Valley, CA 93063. Please come to the boutique and finish all your Christmas shopping! Feel free to tell others about this event.
December 3. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. (Every first Saturday of the month). Home Depot's Free Kids Workshop. The workshops teach children do-it-yourself skills and tool safety, while at the same time helping to instill a sense of accomplishment. In addition to the newly constructed project kit, each child receives a kid-sized orange apron, similar to The Home Depot associates' aprons, and an achievement pin.
December 3. 10 a.m. FREE Build and Grow Clinic at Lowes. Bring your child to Lowe's and they can build a project. The kids get goggles and an apron and a kit to build an item. They use hammers their size and get a patch afterward for completing the project. I would recommend getting there early.
December 3. 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., World City at Keck Amphitheatre, Disney Hall, 111 S. Grand Ave., L.A. Travel to Eastern Europe through the music of all-female vocal ensemble Kitka and the puppet magic of the Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theatre. Free tickets will bedistributed starting at 10 a.m. for the 11 a.m. show, and at 11 a.m. for the 12:30 p.m. show. Free. www.musiccenter.org/worldcity.
December 3. 3:30 p.m. Family Drawing Hour: Put Your Best Face Forward at the Getty Museum, 1200 Getty Center Dr., L.A. After looking at portraits in the galleries, families can try their hands at doing an expressive portrait. Space limited; sign-up starts at 3 p.m. at the Information Desk. Ages 7 and older. Free admission; $15 parking. 310-440-7300.
December 6. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. L.A. Kids free sports and crafts program sign up at Winnetka Park. I’m going early to sign my boys up for classes. Here’s a link if you’d like to read more about the program or find a participating park near you: http://www.laparks.org/lakids/class.htm
December 6. 5 p.m. FREE LEGO® mini model build at the Glendale Galleria LEGO store, the first Tuesday of each month. One free per child. This month make a lego flower. Event is open to children ages 6 to 14 only. 2148 Glendale Galleria, Glendale, 91210. (818) 549-0733.
December 6. 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Free evening at Kidspace Museum. This museum in Pasadena is a lot of fun for children and normally $10 a person, so this is a great deal! (It offers free admission the first Tuesday of the month from 4-8 p.m.) 480 N. Arroyo Blvd., Pasadena, 91103. (626) 449-9144. www.kidspacemuseum.org.
Ongoing Activities
NOVEMBER 17 - JANUARY 16, 2011. 14th Annual Downtown on Ice at PERSHING SQUARE • 532 S. OLIVE ST. [directions]
GO METRO: 1 block from Pershing Square Station (5th St.)Tickets: $2 skate rental / $6 per hour
Regular Hours: Mon-Thurs, 12-10pm & Fri-Sun, 10am-10pm
Extended Holiday Hours (12/9-1/2): Daily, 10am-10pm
MORE INFO: (213) 847-4970 / www.laparks.org
Current Deals
Spend $50 at a Target store and get a $10 gift card now through Dec. 3. Only catch is you have to get the coupon through Target’s Facebook page. (Thanks to Bargain Babe for this deal!)
Subway is offering $2 6 inch subs during December. This price is good for the cold cut combo or meatball sandwiches. (Thanks to Gina for telling me about this deal!)
I recently received an email from the L.A. Zoo with a discount code for any friends interested in joining! This membership offer ends December 31, 2011. Use promo code: 11111FFW
Upcoming Events
December 14. 7p.m. Christmas musical at The Church On the Way presented by the Children’s Music Department. This year’s presentation, called “His Christmas Presence” features The Lamb’s Choir, Kidz Choir, Youth Ensemble, Hip-Hop Dancers, and more! And this year, our kids are asking everyone to share God's love with the homeless children at The Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission buy bringing an unwrapped toy or gift.
December 16. 7 p.m. Christian Performing Arts Center Christmas Show.Birmingham Charter High School, 17000 Haynes St, Lake Balboa. Tickets are $7, and it's reserved seating. They can be purchased through the website:www.cpacstudio.com This year's theme is "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
DECEMBER 16. 6:30-8:30pm Music Center Holiday Sing-Along *FREE* MUSIC CENTER PLAZA • 135 N. GRAND AVE. [directions]
GO METRO: 2 blocks from Civic Center Station (1st St.)
Celebrate the sounds of the season with a FREE, family-friendly evening of singing together among the twinkling lights of the plaza. Bundle up, bring your friends and family, and sing along with live musical accompaniment. Lyric sheets are provided. Tickets: Admission is FREE, but tickets are required and donations are welcome. Tickets are distributed 30 minutes prior to the event, while supplies last. See site for more details. MORE INFO: www.musiccenter.org
December 17-21. 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Back to Bethlehem is a FREE community event held at The Church at Rocky Peak in Chatsworth, CA. Travel back in time and interact with villagers in our outdoor re-creation of the town of Bethlehem. Participate with town merchants and craftsmen. Avoid the Roman centurions and tax collectors! See for yourself an overworked innkeeper, excited shepherds, three mysterious travelers, angelic visitors and a young couple with a newborn baby. Back to Bethlehem is a Christmas event for the whole family! Closed in the event of heavy rain or heavy winds at the time of the event. 22601 Santa Susana Pass Rd, Chatsworth, CA 91311.
DECEMBER 24. 3:00-6:00pm (2:30pm - DOORS OPEN) LA County Holiday Celebration *FREE* DOROTHY CHANDLER PAVILION • 135 N. GRAND AVE. [directions]
GO METRO: 2 blocks from Civic Center Station (1st St.)For 52 years, this 3-hour-long extravaganza has honored the spirit of LA's many cultures and holiday traditions through music, song, and dance. Community and professional choirs, music ensembles, folk and traditional artists, and dance companies perform while the program is broadcast live throughout Southern and Central California on KCET. Attendance and parking are free. No reservations or tickets are necessary, but seating is first come, first served.
MORE INFO: www.lacountyarts.org