Have you ever been to a focus group? Companies will pay you to tell them what you think about their products. There are not trying to sell you anything, just getting your opinions. They are generally 1-2 hours and vary in pay, about $75-$100 dollars for your time. Some places even feed you! Here is a list of some local groups. If you sign up for several different groups, you have a better chance of getting called. You are eligible every 3 months or so, depending on the group.
Qualitative Insights http://www.q-insights.com/respondent.html
Adler Weiner Research http://www.awr-la.com/participants.htm
Facts ‘N Figures Inc. http://www.factsnfiguresinc.com/
Inspired Opinions (formerly called Schlesinger Associates) https://inspiredopinions.com/registration.php?rc=MTg%3D
Matrix Research http://www.matrix-r.com/
Savitz Research Companies http://www.savitzpanel.com/
Plaza Research http://www.plazaresearch.com/
Focus & Testing http://focusandtesting.com/participants/
Davis Research http://www.davisresearch.com/
Focus & Testing http://focusandtesting.com/participants/
Davis Research http://www.davisresearch.com/
Check out this link if you live somewhere besides Los Angeles: http://hubpages.com/hub/Paid_Focus_Groups